Remote learning provision
Below details the remote learning provision provided by the school in the event of a national lockdown or year group bubble closure.
The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home.
From Reception to Year 6 we are delivering a full and broad curriculum through Google Classroom. This includes the core areas of maths, English, R.E. and science as well as all the foundation subjects: design technology; computing; history; geography; P.E.; art and design; music and French.
What should my child expect if they have to learn from home?
From the very first day of a remote learning period, your child will have access to live lessons. Along with the rest of their class they will be greeted by their teacher each morning and after lunch for registration and their teacher will let them know what lessons they have that day. These lessons will be a mixture of live teacher-led lessons and other online teaching and interactive platforms listed below. Your child will also be expected to undertake some independent learning for some subjects during the day. Each teacher will be available to answer questions through Google Classroom throughout the teaching day. Parents can email questions to the teachers, but these may not be answered immediately as the teachers will be teaching lessons. Children can expect feedback from their teacher for the work they “turn in electronically,” in line with the school’s marking policy.
Will my child be taught the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever we can. However, there are certain lessons which we have had to adapt to reflect the online environment. For P.E. for instance, children are given time for P.E. and have videos or links to appropriate lessons but we don’t always come together for a P.E. lesson.
Remote teaching and study time each day.
We offer children a full day of teaching similar to if they were at school. Children come to registration between 8.45 and 9 am (slightly different times for each year group). We then have time for P.E. and come back together for lessons with a short break until lunchtime. After lunch children come back for registration and will have lessons or on-line learning until we meet at the end of the day. The day finishes at 3.15.
Is there any flexibility for unusual circumstances?
If you have any home circumstances which mean that accessing remote learning might be more challenging or need a different set up please contact the school office or your teacher and we can discuss how to help. An example of this might be if you have twins in different classes, in this situation we may be able to put both children into the same Google Classroom so they can study together.
Accessing remote education.
How will my child access anyonline remote learning you are providing?
We are using Google Classroom to deliver our online learning. Each class has a separate virtual classroom to attend. Google Classroom can be accessed through an internet enabled computer, a tablet or iPad or a smart phone. If your child does not have access to an internet enabled device and/or an internet connection please let the school know and we will do all we can to help. We also use a range of other online tools and digital platforms listed below:
Maths – White Rose, MyMaths, Times Tables Rockstars, Numbots.
English – Spelling Shed,
IT – Purple Mash
General – BBC Bitesize and appropriate Oak Academy recorded lessons,as well as videos and presentations.
All the children will be provided with all the passwords they need to access these interactive and exciting learning platforms:
If my child does not have online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
If you do not have access to an internet enabled device and/or an internet connection please let the school office know as soon as possible. We have had donations from the local community of computers as well as a small number provided by the government and we may be able to provide your child with a computer or other device to ensure they have access to Google Classroom.
If the above is not possible, as a last resort please let your teacher know that you need paper copies of the work. We will provide children who need it printed material for each and every lesson being taught online. This will be available to collect from the school office each week. After the lockdown period, the work can be brought into school on a child’s return for the teacher to look at a few pieces with the child, but teachers will be unable to mark this work as they would if it was completed electronically.
What happens if I don’t have a printer?
Most work will be designed so that it can be submitted through google classroom. Work on paper can be submitted through taking a photo of the work and attaching it to an assignment. Occasionally, when work needs to be printed out, the teacher will offer an alternative solution eg writing the answers to a maths worksheet on a piece of paper and uploading a photo of it.
Engagement and feedback
What are the school’s expectations for my child’s engagement?
There is a full list of our expectations from children, parents/carers and teachers on our remote learning policy. In brief children are expected to be dressed appropriately and to be available to be contacted throughout the school day. We expect each child to enter registration and live lessons punctually. Children are expected to try their best to undertake all the activities they have been asked to complete and hand this in through Google Classroom when appropriate. If the child is not able to do an activity, they can ask for the help of their teacher, LSA or parent. Each child is expected to do some reading every day.
What are the school’s expectations for the support parents and carers should provide at home?
Parents/ carers are expected to support their child as best they can according to their home and work situation. We expect parents/ carers to help their child to logon to Google Classroom and to turn their work in (although children pick this up very quickly), be within earshot of the child and ensure their child’s behaviour on a remote lesson is appropriate. We ask parents and carers not to interact with a teacher or child during a live lesson. Parents/ carers are expected to let the school know if their child is unwell or unable to attend remote learning sessions and to seek help from the school if they need it.
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Where it is appropriate work for each lesson will need to be handed in by the child through Google Classroom. Children can expect all work handed in through Google Classroom to be marked and feedback given within 48 hours, but usually sooner. Teachers will also give feedback during live lessons. Children will be encouraged to check back on their work and look at the teachers’ comments and feedback. If a teacher has any concerns about a child or their work, they will contact the parent or carer by telephone or email. Work brought in after the lockdown period will be looked at by the class teacher but will not be marked.
How will support my child who needs additional support while they are at home?
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will differ from the approach for whole Yeargroups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.
If your child is self-isolating at home, lessons will be available on Google Classroom. Your child can hand in work in the same way and can expect feedback from their teacher. However, your child won’t need to attend registration in the morning or afternoon and there will be no live teaching. If your child is unwell and can’t complete work please let your class teacher know. If your child does not have on-line access then work will be provided on paper each week.
Nicola Brewerton
March 2021.